Commissioned illustrations for editorial: artist selection, concept and art direction.
Chris Buzelli: Can’t an Oscar Movie Just Be Enjoyable
Rami Niemi: Hollywood Movie Industry Childcare
Nathan Hackett: New Realities of Sex Scene
Mattias Adolfsson: Lights, Camera … COVID! The Perils of Shooting Amid a Pandemic
Diego Patino: Oscar Ballot
Mario Zucca: TV Reboot
Victor Kerlow: Hollywood’s New Dilemma: When Is a Movie Worthy of Movie Theaters?
Tim Peacock: A Latino TV Writer Calls B.S. on Hollywood’s Diversity Excuses (Guest Column)
Sam Hadley: Hollywood’s 50 Most Powerful TV Showrunners of 2019
Guy Shield: How Disney Is Making 21st Century Fox Disappear
Julia Yellow: Hollywood Predictions
Ryan Olbrysh: Sustainability in Hollywood
Rami Niemi: Why Child Social Media Stars Need a Coogan Law to Protect Them From Parents
Zohar Lazar: This (Jewish) Couple Has Written 30 Christmas Movies — and They’re Not Alone
Frederica Berdoni: How Embracing Female Sexuality Can Help Heal Hollywood Post-Weinstein (Guest Column)
Irene Rinaldi: Karyn Kusama on Defying the “Female Director” Label
Katie Carey: No-Needle Face Lifts and Other Beauty Treatments for the Lazy and Squeamish
Lincoln Agnew: Megan Ellison
Ryan Olbrysh: Louise Linton
Frederica Bodoni: #metoo. Zoe More O’Farrel: portraits